interim solution (SU-85)
With the entry into the field of new Tiger tanks, the 76mm cannon mounted on Soviet tanks became insufficient. To save time helping to achieve a turret for the T-34 can accommodate a 85mm piece was created by self-propelled tank destroyer SU-85:
The 85mm cannon was added to a fixed structure with limited pan.
Based on the hull of T-34, the medium follows the design of pariclasse Germans.
The side view allows you to see the train rolling in tanks and wheeled teramente additional spur to the sides of the engine. The slogan on the blockhouse
says: "Glory to Stalin."
How many tracked the Soviet period, the SU-85 could travel on the road, the wheels alone, once removed the tracks.
The commander wears a uniform standard ( Gymnastiorka ), padded tank crewman with the headset, which also contains the headphone radio.
Model plastic scale 1.35. A washing
colored smoke based on green (the shade still debated among historians) makes it look worn out to the vehicle while in an ocher wash enhances the track design.
few touches of black dry brush on discharges complete the work.
you soon!
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