Monday, November 22, 2010

Hospital Online Nursery

veteran still in service (T -34)

E 'was built in half as many units during the Second World War, and, according to many experts, the best tank of all time: the T-34.
The photo shows the two main versions of the wagon: the left (pictured above) is the older model with the gun 76mm, right one with the 85mm cannon.
From the back you notice the additional tanks cylindrical (left) and cubic (right).
The white strip on the turret was to identify aircraft.
The external storage of materials includes a log of wood to be placed under the tracks to increase traction in case of getting bogged down, is still a standard on wagons ex-Soviet present.
The train was rolling steel rods in the three central wheels without rubber beading.
The tower says "For a Soviet Moldova:
The model with the 85mm gun has a full train rolling wheel, says the slogan "Come to Berlin":
The tower, far more massive than the previous half, has cupola for the commander of a novelty borrowed from the German media.
Like other tracked the Soviet period, the T-34 could travel by road using the wheels alone, without the use of crawlers, that were removed and stowed on the vehicle itself.
Product tens of thousands of copies, is still used in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, after undergoing a few upgrades, including a new 90mm cannon.

Both models are made of plastic, on a scale of 1.35.
green background (the correct tone is still debated among historians), I applied a wash-colored smoke, while the tracks were covered in ocher.
Lettering on the towers (a common practice at the time) are hand painted.
you soon!


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