of Healing' hemorrhage. |
Now a woman who suffered from bleeding for twelve years, came from behind and touched the fringe of his cloak. He said to himself: If I only touch his cloak, I shall be saved. Jesus turned and seeing her said, "Courage, my daughter! Your faith has saved you. And from that moment the woman was saved .
My first post on "Kindergarten Antonini is on 1 November and the first comment, of a dear friend, I came immediately the next day, I report the opening words: " Dear John
to be precise I have to say that the operation ASYLUM employment by CL may for now be considered a failure, as the new Board was in fact discouraged by the Plenary Assembly of Parents of weeks ago that has opposed any change in the method of work .... ", then concludes by writing:" .... This battle was won thanks to the will of the parents but otherwise I fully agree with you in your considerations. "
My friend, unfortunately he was wrong, the battle was not over with that assembly , there had been so clever attempt to appease the parents saying " stay calm, but people do not change the teaching methods" but obviously the parents do not feel any worry. And how blame them? How not realize that the assurances are not fugavano not at all suspect that the change was not only a legitimate and democratic alternation of people, but hiding other ambitions? Why dismantle a "team" that works, if not going to change "what it does and how it does it" (in other words, teaching) and would not contest the results?
No, the parents are not quiet , if a large group they get to sign a document by which disputes the correctness of certain appointments and plans to achieve the reset of the entire Board, and there is no peace in Board, if the former President, Pierre, came to resign even from a mere counselor!
on what has happened so far, the discussion was broad and public and involved dozens of parents, was held in institutional settings (the assembly of parents and the Board) and was held media (this blog, for example, yesterday reported good hits on page 705, and many more have registered online newspapers in the province). So I have the impression that the subject has been said and written about almost everything except write the word "FINE", except to give the Board an attitude shared by most parents and respectful of the autonomy of the school by local authorities, that are political or religious. On the other hand the same equitable allocation of appointments under the Statute, including Parish, Town (majority and minority) and parents to emphasize the need for the Board of kindergarten Antonini is independent from political parties, ideologies and the fundamentalism of all kinds.
At this point I think deserve attention as many seek a zero of the situation with the resignation of all members of the Board : accepting this request would be a responsible act, valuable and indispensable to allow a restart serene. After that the ball would go back to Parish and Town Council that, correcting careless ones appropriate choices made during the first appointment could bring an atmosphere of serenity and respect between the board, parents, school staff and the country, which has never been alien to the life and management of the nursery.
Why this occurs is imperative that:
- the pastor ( and I say this with great respect for his person and his role) do not pull to the habit of CL, do not let the ecclesial community of Moray to identify with one of the movements that work within it. The local Christian community is more rich in gifts, associations and persons who testify their faith in volunteering, maybe in the shade than as it appears. This wealth is the sign of the Spirit that gives life. do not pull to the habit by "powerful" but local example of Jesus, reserving that privilege to the poor, the sick, the weak.
- The City Council, for its part, not play on the divisions of the Council for Minorities in nullify the fact of their right to appoint one member of the Board.
E 'essential that the story of the nursery school is closed, correcting the many mistakes and making sure that they withdraw their hands on it are long, to restore calm to staff, parents, Cda, the country directly and through the municipal budget is the real "shareholder" of the school.
We hope ( I also speak on behalf of many morazzonesi) that the parents' revolt against the attempt to occupy the nursery a success and soon, because this may in fact discourage the extension of the same practice all 'Opera Pia Castiglioni, another important public buildings, which in this period will have to renew its administrative bodies. We hope to not having to launch other alarms .
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