The Provincial Assembly of the Democratic Party |
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The Nobel Peace Prize Aung San Suu Kyi |
true applause The second, more passionate and political , there is work to be concluded by now, when even the provincial proposal by the new secretary to the regulations (and disputed by fringes with a certain liveliness dissatisfied with the way used in its composition, was put to a vote, and approved) occurs when the Hon. Daniel Marantelli announced that: "After the PD and IDV, EVEN THE PARTIES AND PARLIAMENTARY GROUP OF CENTRAL SAY" FLI ", UDC, MPA, API - have chosen to submit a motion of confidence in the government-BERLUSCONI BOSSI.
am It is now 17.00 when the delegates, after a busy and sometimes hectic day of political confrontation and operational decisions, leaving the "De Filippi, loads of responsibility and awareness of the political struggle taking place at national and local levels and the role leading the party has to perform, both in view of the government crisis just around the corner, is ahead of local elections in the spring that will affect the most important centers of our province: Varese, Busto Arsizio, Gallarate, Malnate.
Fabrizio Greetings, greetings PD, ITALY Greetings!
Fabrizio Taricco, at the end of the assembly greeted the delegates. |
PS. The report of the new secretary, and Fabrice Taricco many odg approved, will certainly be published on the website of the Provincial PD ( click on the picture to access Taricco ), thus avoiding to bring back here a synthesis that would certainly be imperfect. To allow the Democrats instead of the Circle of Gazzada Schianno and Moray and meet requests of many friends and comrades met in the Assembly reproduce below the full text of which I have summarized in the classroom to meet the set time of 5 minutes for all interventions . However, this is the same text submitted to the Presidency of the Assembly.
Moray, November 13, 2010
First meeting of the Provincial Assembly of the PD
Friends, companions, Democrat,
"We have waited all my life Democratic Party, we did not know if there would ever meet him, in the course of our political experience. We wanted, we looked together. It's been just three years, we are just at the beginning of a long journey, Pierluigi, I want you to know that we will maintain the commitment to build this party together. "
are the words with which Dario Franceschini, concluded his speech to the National Assembly, October 9 at Malpensa.
I quote because I fully recognize that commitment, without giving up my ideas, without losing the identity of Area Dem, but fully persuaded to put them to further the unity of the Party, Provincial of the House and the Circle of Gazzada - Moray come from.
E 'this spirit, in addition to the appreciation for the experience and personal qualities of Fabrizio, who made me share the utility area along with Democratic converge on a single candidate to the provincial secretary. A choice of office responsibilities, criticized by many, but now, in light of the electoral challenges that lie ahead, we must all appreciate a bit 'more.
At the national level is the severity of the crisis of the center-right and the danger of his shots of the queue to recommend to all the party unity. But a drive that can not and should not be differences of mortification, renunciation or even harsh criticism!
In the province of Varese, in Lombardy in general, it requires the hypertrophic and suffocating hegemony League and, a bit 'underestimated at least in public debate, and that of Communion Liberation and the Companionship of Works, its operating arm in the economy. A hegemony built by the League sull'esasperazione and distortion of itself is not negative feelings (such as the desire for security, legal, social justice, efficiency, certain future for themselves and their children), but interpreted in key selfish and emphasized, in identifying targets of convenience and purely propaganda, to remove obstacles to their full realization. CL instead has built its hegemony through its occupation by the followers of too many boards of directors in public bodies, from the Regional Health and broke it reinforced by a lobbyist, through the CDO and companies members, creating for them preferential relationships with public capable of moving large sums of money in private contracts and negotiations, such as health and education.
The province of Varese was the cradle of the League and now they have a gym, but also the last bastion that Bossi's followers will give up and under whose collapse will leave buried.
I'm not a dreamer, an optimist to the bitter end, but I think to be realistic and understand how he is doing that for a large part of the league is over the momentum: they have long been the dirty white robe of the early hours. A white robe, then, in the early '90s, only to split the opposition to the mud by the investigations of "clean hands" that investigation, the League has nourished, and become strong! E 'became electorally strong, but that consensus has only served to fill the spaces traditionally contracted the undergrowth Government (asl, water, waste management, transportation, utilities, etc ...).
of that consensus has served to strengthen his bargaining power with Berlusconi, which approved all the laws ad personam to save it from the processes, it also covers the latest case of wrongdoing about Ruby. And to think that in the early 90s (out of 1 Berlusconi government), the League had submitted his former ally to a barrage of accusations and suspicions to the serious business of Fininvest (up to turn to private investigators to find more).
The Presidio League represented by Varese maybe it will be the last to fall, but will fall if we take the battle on the ground truth, which is crucial as the values.
not beat the League, speaking of markings on the asphalt roads and parking lots, the color of pedestrian crossings and the number of cameras that control the territory or collection point or a "case of water or milk" . On these issues have not committed many errors, have been careful, knowing that these achievements bring visibility and give ratings.
In fact their weakness is having bluffed on the issues of personal safety and social, downloading on immigrants is responsible for all violence and all personal and social insecurity. "Masters in our house" was the slogan of this maneuver spy dirty, a bit 'has soiled the image of our people, usually welcoming, supportive, open. "Masters in our house," borrowed from the violent propaganda by nationalist Serb Radovan Karadzic, is not really penetrated deep into people's consciousness Lombard, the Lombards are champions because of the voluntary civil defense or national solidarity typical of Caritas Ambrosiana Alpine Association and the thousands of pro-spot: a very different culture from the conditions leaguers!
E 'values \u200b\u200bso that we do battle, a battle will be long, but can only be successful because it is the only one that reflects the true and deep feeling of the citizens of Lombardy, like the rest of Italy.
talk about values, I can not recall the speech of the Lingotto, steeped in the culture of "development solidarity" that is part better defined and therefore more deeply shared image of the party.
A "joint development" not only possible but the only really possible, because that adjective, "solidarity", is the respect due to every human being: people, animals, our environment, the planet that our host, future generations to whom we must deliver. Requires an intense need for solidarity to the same race "unbridled globalization" that is the daughter of selfishness, and as such generates selfishness, conflicts, violence, destroying the very premises of life! Cardinal Tettamanzi is right, to warn us sternly that "there is no future without solidarity."
The basis of the principle of solidarity, to make it daily practice, there is another essential principle, given by Gustavo Zagrebelsky very foundation of democracy: respect for the human person, of all people, especially in the past.
Varese in Lombardy and this must mean active policies, which do not cause sun voluntary associations, for the 'integration of foreigners, the reintegration of the "outcasts of all kinds and Culture, the inclusion of excluded and different! It 's time we take these concepts to announce without fear, without cultural subordination, without fear of losing votes!
The ideological war waged by the League and Berlusconi, has made our society richer, we do not put away the global economic crisis, it has made us free, and what is worse, it made us better . He only made explicit subversive political designs, developed by time, and personal models of living far from sober, as the time and the role would require, but more intrusive, arrogant and cynical!
What does that mean in practical terms, as is reflected in administrative programs this choice of solidarity?
He's an example in a simple, but clear and convincing, opening this summer of the Democratic party Casorate Sempione, Laura Prati, in the debate on the budget package in July. "The towns - said, will suffer tremendous cuts that will impact on family services, law education, assistance. Municipalities not coin money and then tighten the belt touches, but if there is a euro, this will go towards the family, school, young people. We will leave a few holes on roads, asphalting it some less or we will fade some white line, but we will not lack support to families and the school. " And I add. If there is a euro for primary schools will serve the integration, which means not to leave immigrants to small cultural mediation and support, making them feel understood and accepted as soon as possible! But it also means to march hand in hand efforts to integrate children with that of their parents. Limiting the intervention to young people often means increasing the contradictions in the family, contradictions As the children grow up (from Western and Italian) generate irreparable tragedies and sometimes daily, unbearable tension. Family reunion can not be just a bureaucratic practice, but an active policy to point to the real reunification of the family and that is to maintain its internal harmony.
talk about values \u200b\u200byou can not talk about peace, which can not be just an utopia, but it must be the sum of all our concrete political action.
I've said it before, and I'm not afraid of repeating myself, because "Solidarity and Peace in the Democratic Party can not fail to have full citizenship. Values \u200b\u200bare what we can not have horizons to peer, and different programs and ideas contrary to those of the right.
And I think the market for weapons, the only market that knows no crisis between 2008 and 2009, Italian exports of weapons is grew in value by 74% (data of IRES Toscana, presented in Terra Futura-Florence, on May 29 last year) coming to lick fee of € 5 billion per year. And that in times of economic crisis pushes some to be too happy, too happy (even in our party) making him forget that we talk about instruments of death. This ease makes me afraid.
I mention this issue because we are all convinced that the Democratic Party is a party of government temporarily in opposition and which most likely will return to the government, maybe in a few months.
Then all, starting from the awareness that we live in a world increasingly more globalized, we must know that or this party is given a coherent multi-ethnic solidarity, respectful of persons, their rights, or in other words you do every day to work for peace, and then finalize its proposal and any action or policy to this objective is less to its function, because today you can not defend peace only within their own borders. Peace or is global or not at all. Nor is it possible to defend our wealth without willingness to question the basics, without willingness to share it, knowing that when you share, you pass something it gets a little 'lighter, but more just.
How to accept an immigrant, an exile and then leave it on the street, without nationality and without social and political rights? But above all, how do you think of participating in peacekeeping missions, more and more armed for war? How do you imagine a different role for Italy and then it is accepted that a public company or otherwise controlled by the very public, such as Finmeccanica, will be holding its seventh global war production?
We forgot that we the people of Peace, that of Aldo Capitini and marches for peace and brotherhood between peoples (the Perugia-Assisi). We are the country and, as a party, the heirs of Giorgio La Pira, that anxiety for peace he lived in a concrete commitment political utopia to the limit and without borders. We are the country in which the utopia, the dream of peace, has been able to lean on concrete targets, as in the days of military service: the recognition of 'conscientious objection to military service "or the launching of a more transparent legal Arms Trade ", which is now trying to water down.
In those battles were not entirely foreign even those parties and movements (or important parts of them) that today are recognized in the cultural and political life represented by the PD, I remember because that spirit can not be sacrificed, especially in the rich Lombardy, the logic of the market. We are not were strangers and then, a fortiori, we can not be now, as we witness the failure of military intervention in Afghanistan (a war that has already lasted longer than that of Vietnam in the 60s!) and the failure of the increasing political muscle of the Israeli authorities against Palestinians, which finally seems to give way to peace negotiations.
should look for different solutions, different ways ... to build pathways to peace in the spirit of Article. 11 of our Constitution and paragraph 7 of the Manifesto of Values \u200b\u200bof the Democratic Party.
talking about peace, I must say I really liked the proposal (and reminds him when we force the government) to buying arms moratorium, made by Franceschini in Cortona last May, when he said: "I do not know if it's too left, for example, think of a moratorium on the purchase of weapon systems by our government. But I think at a time like this the most serious social crisis, in which it is hard to scrape together the resources to alleviate the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people, and frankly incomprehensible, and I would say even beyond the threshold of things morally acceptable to spend on weapons war. 10 billion in three years, they have planned. "
Dario Franceschini was referring to the commitments made by Italy, in partnership with other countries, for the design, production and procurement of the F-35 fighter bombers (which are discussed in the Report of the November 21 episode, not perdiamolo this event!) to which companies will also work in our province.
For the record: the first signature was placed on that agreement, for Italy, the Minister Andreatta in 1996 (the first Prodi government) while the most recent commitments have been signed by the Russian minister in April last year (last Berlusconi government). Last hope in an absolute sense!
International agreements signed Italy, to participate in research, the financing and production of the F-35 (fighter that can drop bombs from a height of 5000 m) provide for the construction of warehouses to the assembly of the F35, in the military airport of Cameri. The cost of this facility in Italy will exceed 600 million euros in addition to one billion and 200 million dollars already spent on research.
addition, Italy, for the 'purchase of the aircraft (about 130 units) will need to invest not less than € 10 billion, not counting the cost of maintaining those aircraft that require it.
So I wonder, even going beyond what is said Dario Franceschini, when we have the courage to commit (with a healthy realism requires gradation) for unilateral moratoria also, not only the purchasing of new weapons systems, but also in the use of those already in possession of our FF AA, in the same production of weapons systems and death?
course in Varese is not an easy theme to be addressed and resolved, the implications for employment that has, but it is also necessary that the PD launches a challenge to a strong economic and social development and unique language that speaks of life, which take the value of a groomed to those of Life often has only an instrumental use! I think the media use that right makes all the ethical issues, "the beginning of a new life at an end "and shudder at the thought that we be able to work effectively - knowing that the road ahead is long and bumpy - conversion to a gradual, reasonable, arms industry, which has nothing utopian or dogmatic, but that would be entirely consistent with the "vocation of solidarity" of the citizens themselves Lombard.
Italy is the country's "civil protection" and an "Italian style" in "peacekeeping missions" has made his business card in the world: Well, how many technologies and skills can transfer from emergencies military to the environmental, social, humanitarian? How many economic resources may be diverted from military to civilian, and used for the defense of the territory left to decay for decades, a landslide area that sweeps under your feet and goods, people and dreams .. and perhaps even the future of our children? How many resources now invested in the production of machinery or equipment of death, may be open to investment for the production of machinery and equipment for life, such as aerospace monitoring of the area and around the world and the transformations that interest you?
Lombardy is the region that has a civil protection - by number of volunteers, skills acquired, passion applied, the means, mission accomplished (even abroad) - may well be called the heart of the Civil Protection in Italy: it is a good starting point to imagine that this region could become a center of excellence , pointing to the creation of a "Civil Protection Sector," with a close connection between the operating structures, research institutions and industry? It would benefit the practice of international relations, the search for peace and cooperation among peoples and perhaps we should serve less competition in world markets! This is the party that dream, I've always dreamed of. E 'this party by wide horizons that the speech Lingotto did prefigure and this is the party that I love.
John de Rosa
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