Island ... North Africa and the F-35. |
Hunting F-35 flight. |
The Italian government in recent weeks has failed irreparably an appointment with history and I am not referring to the ability of management and acceptance of the extraordinary flow of refugees from Tunisia and Egypt, but to the fact that over the past 2 years has declined to represent Europe and fielding foreign policy (by developing even those opened by Prodi) north Africa, on behalf of Europe. Yet thanks to its special geographical position, Italy is naturally destined to become "bridge" between Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Instead, the Berlusconi government did exactly the opposite of what the geopolitical location and common sense should have been advised. In fact, Berlusconi isolated Italy from the rest of Europe to create a special relationship, exclusive staff with Colonel Gaddafi, confusing (but has its own special feature) institutional relationships with those friends, with dragging in this policy borrowed in foreign (ni), even his friends leaguers. This choice has created disastrous conditions because Gaddafi, during his bizarre performances in Rome, Italy blackmail Europe with billions required to stop the flow of migration from North Africa, is pushed to foresee the end of the Christian West, it gave to the preaching of the Koran (as Christians have no rights from its parts and for the truth are not the only), we did kiss the hand of the Sultan that Italian (taken from the hard work that requires the formation of a personal harem) was not even have time to complain about the harassment that his August guest deals with migrants crossing its lands, especially if Christians from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia.
A policy of increased attention to throughout North Africa, consisting of reports, presence, collaboration, would enable them to play an active role at this stage, man, maybe in place addressing the problems that we are forced to face, sea, islands, in shelters ... the skin of people who arrive and those that have to welcome them and help them.
these when I don Renato Sacco of the editorial staff of "Mosaic of Peace" - which he has edited - I anticipated the following article, published in the book review, that care about their "Mosaic of Peace."
Island February 15, 2011 - Don Renato Sacco. In these days, as the Minister Maroni said 'we risk seeing the arrival of a wave of 80,000 immigrants who flee from North Africa'. And on the island of Lampedusa experience moments of solidarity and hospitality accompanied by controversy. Like the one with the EU by the same Minister of Interior, which does not hesitate to blame the whole of Europe and to claim an immediate contribution of EUR 100 million because, he says, 'this situation is not resolved by the rejection'. And while we see these great movements of people into the streets in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, Iran (and Italy!) And leak into the sea of \u200b\u200bthousands of people who go in search ... And lose their lives, the public service RAI broadcasts another island, one of the famous, in Honduras, where someone likes to pretend to be shipwrecked, etc..
That bitterness, to say the confusion and anger! The message I get is that it is all a fiction, as in Lampedusa in Honduras, something you watch on TV, that does not touch you closely. And, icing on the whole, arrives, the island of Fame, the call of the Director General of RAI to congratulate the transmission! Do not add more. Each face is your opinion ...
I almost hope - given that for 10 years leads with d. Angel heading for a small television in Verbania, - \u200b\u200bI receive a phone call from the Director Rai, though in that he has nothing to do TV. If you call, however, we could ask him to convey to the Minister Maroni, desperate for € 100 million to Lampedusa, not to take them from the island of Fame, no, God forbid! and then the program will not cost all this money mica! No, take them to the design of the F35, the new fighter planes, costing about 100 million euros each. And Italy wants to buy 131 well! One more one less, what difference is there. Anyone interested, is that Maroni Masi, consult the website of Pax |
Don Renato Sacco of the Editorial Board of "Mosaic of Peace", a magazine founded by Don Tonino Bello. |
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