Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bike Trail Birthday Cake


E 'is the slogan chosen by women for the demonstration on February 13 which will cover the whole of Italy, with events in major cities. A 'initiative which was joined immediately known many women, politics, culture, trade unions, and business, scientific research and entertainment, which take to the streets with millions of other women less known but equally angry, against the attack on the their dignity.

"Even in Varese women are mobilizing to restore dignity to Italy.
Sunday, February 13, 2011 will be
in Piazza Monte Grappa
pm 10.30 to 12.30.
With a shared symbol:
a white scarf of mourning for the state prevailing in the country.
slogan: Another Italian history is possible. "

In the square, and in Varese in Italy, I hope that there are too many men on their side, their friends, husbands, boyfriends, fathers, sons, brothers and sisters. The country where until a few decades ago it was legitimate to have mitigating sentence in cases of "crime of honor," now at least have the courage and the decency to take to the streets to say "enough" to impose a "shoulder to Berlusconi, this pseudo-culture of fiction, fake wellness fake happiness, fake love, gradually imposed on the real life, with the result of bringing us all a little 'less real, a little' more cynical!

In recent days, I thought the campaign "I AM WOMAN AND SAY ENOUGH!" launched its women and supported by some newspapers and I was going to write for my blog post for a claim to us men the right and duty to be at the side of women with their own slogans, but declined for men: "MALE AND SAY ENOUGH IS TOO!" Just this havoc on the body and the image of women: the dignity of women is our dignity, women who tramples tramples on life, love, generosity, beauty, grace, enthusiasm, courage, strength, hope, everyday heroism of being a woman, mother, wife, sister, friend. Then I have the last Blog sen. Paolo Rossi, PD, I read the post from January 31, "Sister Rita: I liked it, I was intrigued and tried to figure out who was Sister Rita Giaretta and when I understood, I understood that even in times of mobilization by women, such as these, it is right that there are women in the limelight, not us, it is better that men become more sober-as stated in the card. Tettamanzi in "Not There is no future without solidarity "- even" in words, in the exhibition itself, the exercise of power in daily life ". In times like these we must support them and, with great humility, to step back to reflect on our role overflowing, spaces and power that still occupy unduly in society, in public, in the Board of Directors of public and private companies and begin to "put on a diet" to recognize women the space belongs to them. For this I am glad that some friends of the PD and a piece of so-called "civil society", have long proposed the candidacy for mayor of Varese Luisa Oprandi. And I hope that the Democratic Party, do not let it fall, do not let it vanish into the mists of indifference, who can even hope to take advantage of the February 13 for a small gesture of compensation to all women! I appreciate not only women but also men of their friends!

And now I go back to Sister Rita Giaretta, even on behalf of the sisters of the Community RUT Caserta, joined the demonstrations of 13 February with a letter that should be read in every square of Italy (especially us men) :

Open letter from Sister Rita Caserta Giaretta (from the website: http://www.filomenainrete.com/
Caserta, January 27, 2011
(Feast of St. Angela Merici )

"If you come to know clearly
that are endanger the safety and honesty of the daughters,
not have to allow for anything, nor stand, nor have any regard,
if you can not provide you
main recourse for mothers and without regard,
be insistent, too intrusive and annoying "(St. Angela Merici).

years, along with three of my sisters (Ursuline Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary), are involved in a land of many to say "no hope". A territory, Caserta, more and more in his knee for severe environmental degradation, social and cultural life, where even the scourge of sexual exploitation perpetrated to the detriment of many young immigrant women, is very much present with signs of violence and its real slavery.
As a woman, as consecrated, caused by the Gospel of Jesus who speaks of freedom and hope, along with my sisters, I chose to "make me a friendly companion next to these young foreign women, often minors, to offer them the wine of hope, the bread of life and the smell of dignity.
Today, looking at the face of Susan and bend light in one of his little Francis, chosen and accepted with love, thinking of its history - one of many stories accepted, which was still a child (16 years) was found on our roads as a commodity to be bought, to violate and use the part of many Italian men - have been assailed by a feeling of deep shame, but also of anger.
I felt the need, as a woman as dedicated and as an Italian national, to apologize to Susan for the unseemly spectacle to which everyone, these days, we are witnessing. And not only Susan, but also to the many women who have found help and liberation and to the many, many women still slaves on our roads. But also to the many volunteers and many young people with whom we believe in the value of the religious person, in particular of women, recognized and respected in their dignity and freedom.
I am shocked to assist as "villas" of power from government representatives, elected to try and do only good for our country, especially in a time of crisis so severe, offend, humiliate and spoil the image of women. Anxious to see exercise power in a manner so brazen and arrogant that reduces women to a commodity and where rivers of money and promises intertwined bodies transformed into objects of enjoyment.
Faced with this show and much indignation is great!
How not to go with the mind the image of another "palace" of power, where about two thousand years ago the powers that be, incarnate in King Herod, John the Baptist shouted with all her voice: "It is not lawful , it is not lawful. "
today too, in the name of Susan, I feel I raise my voice and tell our powerful the Erode-turn, you are not allowed! You are not allowed to offend and humiliate the "beauty" of women, you are not allowed to transform relations into commodities trading, driven by interest and money, and especially now it is not lawful stifle the way of young people in their desire for authenticity, beauty, transparency and honesty. All this is the betrayal of the Gospel of life and hope!
But before this show I rode in a question: where are the men, where are the boys? There are few voices, even believers, who wake up clear and strong. In their silence, there is still too much silence, complacency and perhaps subtle hidden envy. I believe that in this male world, where relations and relationships are often exercised in the name of power, there is great need of liberation.
So thanks to you, Susan, sister and friend, for giving voice to mine, and our indignation, I can now, as a woman consecrated as a citizen, and look into your eyes with the little Francis breathe the scent of human dignity and freedom.

Sr. Rita and sisters Ruth community


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