Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Henri Lamothe Belly Flops From Height Of


a frontier fortress of Gondor is attacked by Uruk-hai:
The clash takes place in the shadow of the colossal walls:
Defenders attempt a daring sortie to break the siege
all the impressive front door richly storied stands out in the following images:
It is easily the top of the railing, which protrudes above the entrance:
soldiers go running under the iron gate which is the first line of defense:
From inside the castle archers target the enemy approaching ...
... while the warriors rush outside:
Perspective "height miniature" is always impressive:
Some pictures of the archers

Looking more below, it captures the drama of the clash:
One of the Lancers Uruk-hai has put his target:
A captain urges troops to the assault:
And here is one of the defenders
the fortress, while facing the formidable opponent:
All miniatures wargame are the Lord of the Rings (GW) and are made of plastic, in the usual scale: 28 mm.
The walls are self-made with sheets of masonite (MDF: the backs of frames per day), I have engraved with the graver round head of an electric minitrapano (like Dremel) and covered with pieces of flattened Das left hand and irregular.
The door is a play like "Heroclix," which involves the use of miniatures and scenery. Obviously, it was necessary to apply multiple coats of washes and dry brush to smooth the appearance of the walls.
The base is a platform about 35 cm in diameter for the transport of the vessels, which I removed the wheels.
I raised the castle with two layers of cardboard packaging on which I have pasted the crib and grass from the road, made of a sheet of sandpaper (120 grit) properly painted, even the paths of the terraces are covered with sandpaper (grade 80) with a black background and past of dry brush in gray.
you soon!


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