Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cocky Conceited Quotes

gloss to the intervention of Mayor of Moray published

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, with Bersani and Italy who wants to change:
I chose to open this post because I wrote it just as I was enjoying,
in television, direct broadcast from the great show
policy of which he was now leading the people of PD.

I read with care and respect as the Mayor of Moray, Mr. Matthew White, wrote for "" December 6 last (read more) about the known events that have affected the kindergarten Antonini, or rather the renewal of its board of directors. In that article has already responded with great calmness tone and content that I am wholly, our Secretary of the Club, Orlando Rinaldi, whose letter has been published by and the blog of the Circle of PD Gazzada Schianno and Moray (click to read the letter).
While fully sharing the letter from Orlando Rinaldi, in line with the commitment that I took with the visitors of my blog, I will try to add a few comments my staff will try to do so in the hope of non-synthetic be too direct or even obnoxious thing in politics (I say this with reference to the remarks of Mrs. Elena) not is certainly an advantage:

1. I begin by saying immediately that the intent of Mr. . Bianchi to end a controversy that threatens to cause serious damage, seems laudable; myself I politely suggested (see post 18 November) that the CDA nursery to resign ' unanimously to give way to whoever has the institutional duty to do so, to appoint new members, proceeding with more caution and cognizance of the sensitivity of the situation that has arisen. If the only interest that moves us all, is really good for small users of the nursery, then competence can not be the first requirement to be favored in the formation of the Board, before the 'membership and consequent loyalty to a party or movement .

2. The allegation of lack of transparency in appointments and their amenability to a specific intent to "wins" by a "outside director" to "change the setting and the educational method of the school" was not born from any plot, nor the PD, nor signed but came from a source far more credible and certainly more sensitive, " parents" and with good reason, since they are the first to be recognized that the right and duty to decide the education of their children (see of 23 October) . The undersigned has acted for the first time on this blog (after a few comments in other publications) exactly on 1 November, letters and newspaper articles online already had appeared on October 23 on "" and, 24 October on Moray. "

3. that behind the "outside director" , mentioned in the statement of the parents, there might be an inspiration and ideal due to Communion Liberation and, consequently, the pretense of wanting a Board staff and operators at the thought of CL teaching workforce at the new Board, we were so many to think, I have given to this hypothesis an explanation and a "political dignity" . Anything done openly, without the "vicious attacks and without cowardice," mentioned by the mayor.

4. Mr. Bianchi that is not a fool (which is written in comments some angry League) is instead, in my opinion, an intelligent person knows that we are talking about spoils system, that is of the system that brings the winners of the elections to "divide the spoils " of the charges in the institutions and companies controlled or owned, a system that in many succinctly: " to fill certain positions, who won the elections has the right to put people who are faithful to its line. " do not deny that this system to some degree, very high, both justified and perhaps the only possible solution, but when it is applied in small companies or when applied to the lower levels, working practices, as is possible that it may sacrifice the on (ie the actual capacity) loyalty to the party or group , generating cronyism? On spoil system, distorted in pure patronage, not only disagree, but they are in place to combat it, as I can, but to fight! In Italy and especially in Lombardy, now, the spoils system seems to represent a rule. In well-informed circles, the media online, etc. .. it felt to put the system in check, to fill every " place that counts," thanks in particular to the synergy of three organizations: I refer to PDL, CL , CdO. The first, the PDL collects the popular vote and the other, CL, selected and trained managers reliable, faithful, organic-CL PDL, etc ... The third organization, CdO, instead associated companies that supply products and services to which managers can address in private negotiations, supplies, contracts, etc. ... It 's a perfect system: if each of the three organizations held its role well ... there is more to anyone! There's more to democracy! But this is moral? It is useful to the development of the country or pave the way for a closed system where the credit has no nationality, if the transparency is a dream and equal opportunities are the stuff of schoolboy? And the League? in the '90s, early its growth path, even when they wore the white robe of the neophyte in politics, he saw the smoke and mirrors as CL, CL and league co-exist today, are allies and the spoils system manage it together. Compared to these practices can be for or against. I am against, even when they concern the party where Milito. The insults do not affect me then, but I worry because I worry any retreat from the practice of personal respect and democracy. But most are convinced that this should concern any serious public administrator!

5. Matthew Smith writes: "I will defend tooth the integrity and commitment throughout the council by vicious and cowardly attacks by left-wing politicians, who are clearly in trouble because they have no representatives in any institution in the country ". What to say? Apparently the controversy inside the league and the alliance that administers Moray PDL-League (of which something has surfaced in the comments on various blogs) must have been harsh if the Mayor felt the need to raise the bar, using strong words, of political opponents resorting to insult. So, as always, the League use heavy words against the opponent, only to placate his base, cover controversy and the growing discontent at home, because of political failure that is sweeping the same government of which they are a pillar . In any case the road of the insult Mr. Whites will never be found in the company of myself. I'm interested in talking about attitudes and political choices, not more.

The letter from Mr. Mayor ends: " December 14 decide what to do with the ideas a little 'clearer and I will try to clear to others ... ... PD and especially minority council giving due weight and perhaps offering a roof on which the protest and a good cigar, a few representative the local PD so I can believe for a moment to be politically more important than what is . " omit references ironic " some representative pd " I could be myself - to be sympathetic to a mayor so young-but I can not overlook the disrespectful reference to the protests of many young , in many cases the best those who represent the hope for the future of our country. roofs to be those of the Universities of many Italian cities, have risen graduates, PhDs and researchers almost always precarious or poorly paid, fighting against short-sightedness of the Government Bossi-Berlusconi which has cut its funding to the University, to research, innovation, and increased those for the purchase of weapon systems ... the new F-35 fighter.
advising Mr. Mayor I can conclude, that I am no longer young, to have more respect for these young fighting not only for their own future but the fate of our country? Sincerely

John de Rosa


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