Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Henri Lamothe Belly Flops From Height Of


a frontier fortress of Gondor is attacked by Uruk-hai:
The clash takes place in the shadow of the colossal walls:
Defenders attempt a daring sortie to break the siege
all the impressive front door richly storied stands out in the following images:
It is easily the top of the railing, which protrudes above the entrance:
soldiers go running under the iron gate which is the first line of defense:
From inside the castle archers target the enemy approaching ...
... while the warriors rush outside:
Perspective "height miniature" is always impressive:
Some pictures of the archers

Looking more below, it captures the drama of the clash:
One of the Lancers Uruk-hai has put his target:
A captain urges troops to the assault:
And here is one of the defenders
the fortress, while facing the formidable opponent:
All miniatures wargame are the Lord of the Rings (GW) and are made of plastic, in the usual scale: 28 mm.
The walls are self-made with sheets of masonite (MDF: the backs of frames per day), I have engraved with the graver round head of an electric minitrapano (like Dremel) and covered with pieces of flattened Das left hand and irregular.
The door is a play like "Heroclix," which involves the use of miniatures and scenery. Obviously, it was necessary to apply multiple coats of washes and dry brush to smooth the appearance of the walls.
The base is a platform about 35 cm in diameter for the transport of the vessels, which I removed the wheels.
I raised the castle with two layers of cardboard packaging on which I have pasted the crib and grass from the road, made of a sheet of sandpaper (120 grit) properly painted, even the paths of the terraces are covered with sandpaper (grade 80) with a black background and past of dry brush in gray.
you soon!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Movies Online Salieri

DAY OF THE NATIVITY: The night prior!

"Everything in its season" by Enzo Bianchi - prior, and founder of Bose community - says in one breath, as a breath of life, which over the years , we like to retrace its steps, especially in winter. An old proverb says that "the season is winter reading" and perhaps it is still true today, at least for many.
The places that are Enzo Bianchi traces of his memory, his feelings, his emotions: the house, fields, hills, the characters of Monferrato, but also as far afield as Santorini is reading ... discovered in His memories are our memories, his emotions are reflected in our ... Well I'm glad I read it and got a few friends and for this I recommend it to all, believers or not ... because Enzo Bianchi can speak to the hearts of all. This following is an excerpt, taken from "The days of the crib ", specifically the chapter that describes "the night prior " ie Christmas Eve, hoping to offer each of you a good excuse for a pause in the mad chase to shopping.

The night prior

For some 'for years to come Advent, I naturally wonder about the profound changes experienced in my lifetime, in a traditionally Christian country like Italy, the time before Christmas and I wonder: who is still able to experience Christmas in its dimension of mystery, faith event? In fact, even after the feast of All Saints and the memory of the dead - has become for many an impromptu carnival - Christmas is the festival promises to be laden by retailers, is the call to travel for shopping and gifts, looking for more food refined, new and expensive luxury to be shown off to the organization of "party", lasting at least until Epiphany. Now there is an ideology of Christmas and all concur that there is more shocked, you do not ask questions, do not feel challenged.

This, then, is indifferent to those that poverty takes away from the party falls into a frustrating and even more pronounced. But remember the poor when you are intent on enjoying the opulence and engage the consumer is now appraiser, if one dares to even ask the question if all that is necessary is judged, well the go, spoilsport. So we are unprepared to internalize the feast of Christmas and end up being catapulted into a celebration of where we can barely grab some shreds of meaning, miss the heart of the message.
The question is what do you think people today when he uses the term "supervision" of Christmas. Almost certainly think a day before the party, nothing more. Yet the word "eve, eve! He has a long history, has known different meanings over the centuries and in fact still have different meanings depending on how you live. I still live as a Christian and Monaco: yes, it means first before waking in the night, standing guard, so the stay awake and being vigilant, prepared, alert to what can happen. Jews already lived in the eve preparation parties, but especially with the advent of Christianity that affirms the eve marked by the watch in the night. In the Christian communities on Sunday (day, in fact, of the Lord), as witnessed by Pliny, was celebrated Lucem ante, "before sunrise" - that is, in the hours normally devoted to sleep-a liturgy in which they sang Christ almost Deo, "as a God." These vigils communities were soon called vigils.
the fourth century, then the monks, both in the East and West, they chose their last few hours of the night to watch and pray, waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ, thus affirming their faith in his coming in glory, one that came to be expected, relied on, accelerated. The monks still do today, before dawn, when it is still dark in his cell with his face that sometimes falls on the holy book of the Bible, or singing the Psalms together: they meditate, contemplate, pray for the coming of the day Groom, winner of death. Featuring songs that become particularly solemn and joyful dawn when the sun rose, the vigils are an experience you do with the whole body, not only with the mind. The eyes must remain open, the body has to rest, all the members must be in a state of vigilance ... This is why the movements that accompany and help the prayer, you get up up and then we bow, we prostrate or we sit and then stand up.
The church, made up of Christians and non-monks, knows this experience, and few Christians today who practice the vigil, to fight against sleep to stay awake while everyone else slept, to pray, think, sing the Lord. However, the church has always lived in the Easter Vigil, called by Augustine mater omnium sanctarum vigiliarum, "mother of all holy vigils, as has always celebrated the vigil on Christmas Eve, so the traditional" Midnight Mass "in when we remember the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. After the longest night of the year, when the morning sun begins to shorten the duration of darkness, the sun is the real Jesus Christ who is born and rises in the world to overcome the darkness of evil ...
But on the eve of Christmas did not exist anymore-everyone is busy outside the home, intent on crowding shops, to give and receive gifts, stunned by displays seductive, with lights that adorn the streets and trees, distracted by "Santa Claus", that is rigged from old youth whose painfully puppets descend from windows and balconies ... very different
Vigils those who for years have lived and still try to live! First of all households lived in the eve through the building, headed by the children of religious symbols: the crib and the tree Christmas, prepared for a long time but they found their moment in the day of completion of the work, receiving the loving care of family members that right next to the crib or deposed gifts under the tree. Gifts poor at the time of my childhood: dried chestnuts, some Mandarin, hazelnuts and chocolate, and sometimes, if there was some money in the family, a new dress ... still, however, an object that would be necessary and useful. As a boy I had the privilege of receiving a gift as well as books and told me: "Know that there is a season to read: winter."
The women of the house, however, lived the day before preparing lunch the next day: "the Christmas lunch, "they said. Often they helped each other, although different families, to cook the dishes in which each had specialized, as if every woman had her words of love and offered their ilo Christmas Day. In my house forever, even in great poverty after the war, the Christmas dinner was to be twelve courses, so maybe that's seven starters varied from year to year, but the dish could not always be essential that it was el ravioli. Pasta stuffed with seasoned meat with gravy, a dish that I prepare with my own hands even now to cheer me and those who live with their closest friends. To prepare the "ravioli" women sometimes also calls us children, particularly to separate from one another. Early in the morning they put on the stove to cook the three meats - veal braised beef, pork and rabbit stew - which were then crushed with the addition of boiled cabbage and squeezed, eggs, Parmesan cheese and a bit 'of marjoram that carefully dosed, gave a stinging delicious ravioli. This unique filling that we tasted of hidden children, was ordered placed in piles on sheets of pasta rolled thin which were then rolled up and crushed with your fingers, were the result of long strips to heavy taxes that we cut. Then the raviolis were taken to cool - usually in the bedroom, that was not heated, from where came the next day to be immersed in boiling water and then, once cooked and served, to arrive triumphantly to the table, after all the starters. Only then we could at last wish, "Bon appetit!" Because the starters, we are told, are eaten "just to be on the world."
And men? They continued to work as on other days, and only toward evening took home a strain, el success' d Nadal, the tangle of trunks and roots at the base of the trees cut and left to dry for a couple of years under the porch. A large strain that was put in the fireplace before everyone went to church for midnight mass: slowly burning would wait for the return of the owners late at night and would have welcomed them with its heat and light the fire to warm up a bit 'bodies cold. Then, along with a glass of moscato, we exchanged greetings, the gifts were opened and then went to bed. If the return was made by the log fire burning in rugged said: "Good thing, there will be peace in the family and neighbors", but if you are struggling to burn disconsolate said: Eh, this year will not be so well ... "
I do not think it was more as it was lived before the Christian then, but it certainly was wiser: simple things, poor customs knew precious hours of waiting and were an exercise of faith in life, in the future, in the other. But more specifically Christian dimension of the festival do not forget that prayer on Christmas Eve, the intensity of which is untranslatable in Italian, asking reviewed Nativity breathe : "Grant us, O God, to breathe the Birth of your Son we are celebrating."

From the book: "Everything in its season" by Enzo Bianchi. Edited by Einaudi Borders

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Collections Letterdental


not yet know in detail the manner in which it was closed (apparently it is still closed ) The story of the kindergarten Antonini Board of Moray, and then return any assessment and comment on when they will be made public not only the name of President (already published), but also the reasons for the choice and parents' reactions.
Idle, who has read the interpretation that I gave the story morazzonese, an imaginative reconstruction and biased, and a parallel with what is happening at regional level (especially in health), absolutely forced and therefore impractical, I suggest you read the blog Hon. Joseph Adamoli, documented knowledge of the practices followed for the appointment of regional expertise, that in these days, deals with this problem.
Good reading, especially to the many friends that the Hon. Adamoli includes, outside his party, the PD, even in Moray!

Click here to visit the blog, hosted by

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cocky Conceited Quotes

gloss to the intervention of Mayor of Moray published

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, with Bersani and Italy who wants to change:
I chose to open this post because I wrote it just as I was enjoying,
in television, direct broadcast from the great show
policy of which he was now leading the people of PD.

I read with care and respect as the Mayor of Moray, Mr. Matthew White, wrote for "" December 6 last (read more) about the known events that have affected the kindergarten Antonini, or rather the renewal of its board of directors. In that article has already responded with great calmness tone and content that I am wholly, our Secretary of the Club, Orlando Rinaldi, whose letter has been published by and the blog of the Circle of PD Gazzada Schianno and Moray (click to read the letter).
While fully sharing the letter from Orlando Rinaldi, in line with the commitment that I took with the visitors of my blog, I will try to add a few comments my staff will try to do so in the hope of non-synthetic be too direct or even obnoxious thing in politics (I say this with reference to the remarks of Mrs. Elena) not is certainly an advantage:

1. I begin by saying immediately that the intent of Mr. . Bianchi to end a controversy that threatens to cause serious damage, seems laudable; myself I politely suggested (see post 18 November) that the CDA nursery to resign ' unanimously to give way to whoever has the institutional duty to do so, to appoint new members, proceeding with more caution and cognizance of the sensitivity of the situation that has arisen. If the only interest that moves us all, is really good for small users of the nursery, then competence can not be the first requirement to be favored in the formation of the Board, before the 'membership and consequent loyalty to a party or movement .

2. The allegation of lack of transparency in appointments and their amenability to a specific intent to "wins" by a "outside director" to "change the setting and the educational method of the school" was not born from any plot, nor the PD, nor signed but came from a source far more credible and certainly more sensitive, " parents" and with good reason, since they are the first to be recognized that the right and duty to decide the education of their children (see of 23 October) . The undersigned has acted for the first time on this blog (after a few comments in other publications) exactly on 1 November, letters and newspaper articles online already had appeared on October 23 on "" and, 24 October on Moray. "

3. that behind the "outside director" , mentioned in the statement of the parents, there might be an inspiration and ideal due to Communion Liberation and, consequently, the pretense of wanting a Board staff and operators at the thought of CL teaching workforce at the new Board, we were so many to think, I have given to this hypothesis an explanation and a "political dignity" . Anything done openly, without the "vicious attacks and without cowardice," mentioned by the mayor.

4. Mr. Bianchi that is not a fool (which is written in comments some angry League) is instead, in my opinion, an intelligent person knows that we are talking about spoils system, that is of the system that brings the winners of the elections to "divide the spoils " of the charges in the institutions and companies controlled or owned, a system that in many succinctly: " to fill certain positions, who won the elections has the right to put people who are faithful to its line. " do not deny that this system to some degree, very high, both justified and perhaps the only possible solution, but when it is applied in small companies or when applied to the lower levels, working practices, as is possible that it may sacrifice the on (ie the actual capacity) loyalty to the party or group , generating cronyism? On spoil system, distorted in pure patronage, not only disagree, but they are in place to combat it, as I can, but to fight! In Italy and especially in Lombardy, now, the spoils system seems to represent a rule. In well-informed circles, the media online, etc. .. it felt to put the system in check, to fill every " place that counts," thanks in particular to the synergy of three organizations: I refer to PDL, CL , CdO. The first, the PDL collects the popular vote and the other, CL, selected and trained managers reliable, faithful, organic-CL PDL, etc ... The third organization, CdO, instead associated companies that supply products and services to which managers can address in private negotiations, supplies, contracts, etc. ... It 's a perfect system: if each of the three organizations held its role well ... there is more to anyone! There's more to democracy! But this is moral? It is useful to the development of the country or pave the way for a closed system where the credit has no nationality, if the transparency is a dream and equal opportunities are the stuff of schoolboy? And the League? in the '90s, early its growth path, even when they wore the white robe of the neophyte in politics, he saw the smoke and mirrors as CL, CL and league co-exist today, are allies and the spoils system manage it together. Compared to these practices can be for or against. I am against, even when they concern the party where Milito. The insults do not affect me then, but I worry because I worry any retreat from the practice of personal respect and democracy. But most are convinced that this should concern any serious public administrator!

5. Matthew Smith writes: "I will defend tooth the integrity and commitment throughout the council by vicious and cowardly attacks by left-wing politicians, who are clearly in trouble because they have no representatives in any institution in the country ". What to say? Apparently the controversy inside the league and the alliance that administers Moray PDL-League (of which something has surfaced in the comments on various blogs) must have been harsh if the Mayor felt the need to raise the bar, using strong words, of political opponents resorting to insult. So, as always, the League use heavy words against the opponent, only to placate his base, cover controversy and the growing discontent at home, because of political failure that is sweeping the same government of which they are a pillar . In any case the road of the insult Mr. Whites will never be found in the company of myself. I'm interested in talking about attitudes and political choices, not more.

The letter from Mr. Mayor ends: " December 14 decide what to do with the ideas a little 'clearer and I will try to clear to others ... ... PD and especially minority council giving due weight and perhaps offering a roof on which the protest and a good cigar, a few representative the local PD so I can believe for a moment to be politically more important than what is . " omit references ironic " some representative pd " I could be myself - to be sympathetic to a mayor so young-but I can not overlook the disrespectful reference to the protests of many young , in many cases the best those who represent the hope for the future of our country. roofs to be those of the Universities of many Italian cities, have risen graduates, PhDs and researchers almost always precarious or poorly paid, fighting against short-sightedness of the Government Bossi-Berlusconi which has cut its funding to the University, to research, innovation, and increased those for the purchase of weapon systems ... the new F-35 fighter.
advising Mr. Mayor I can conclude, that I am no longer young, to have more respect for these young fighting not only for their own future but the fate of our country? Sincerely

John de Rosa

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Does Native Americans Wolf Mean

Lungomare Trieste.

In the picture the Waterfront Trieste at Salerno.
From a friend (very good) many years ago, and many experiences ago, I received these beautiful verses, simple, intense, dedicated to my city, I left many years years ago, back in 1972 ... and I was moved.
will be incredible nostalgia for those years that I lived at the turn of the decades 60/70? or is it just nostalgia for youth? Nostalgia of the friends of that time, Anna Maria, Pietro, Michele, Franco, Enzo, Miki, Andrew, Nicholas Lello, Pina, Antonio, Silvana, Grace, Ernest, Eugene? How many names, many faces, many stories! The
Lungomare Trieste is Salerno.
Thank you, Anna Maria for this " strip of sea " which leads me to remember that distant time and without suffering, such as those re-emerged when watching "The moon in Maschera," which Serber carefully DVD I have kindly donated.

Lungomare Trieste

A strip of sea
tinged moon,
suffused glow of street lamps antique

envelops our games,
words chasing
in the calm evening.
cries a puffin
black and white
on disasters

of a people that never will end,
in the glow of her dress
we lose

in search of a dream
a new road

Anna Maria Di Rosa

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Make Pierre Water

Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind

It 's the title of a beautiful manga of great Hayao Miyazaki.
The film with the same title, was presented in 1984 by WWF, to the obvious environmental accents. The story takes place
in a post apocalyptic future, which decimated the population of Earth is divided into small enclaves , whose existence is threatened by the advance of Toxic Jungle, formed by trees that release spores into the atmosphere poisonous and populated by enormous insects , generated by genetic mutations induced by radiation.
The protagonist, who gives his name to the work, will have a key role in reconciliation between Man and Nature.
Shown here is taking off on his Mehve , a type of motor glider, one of the last means of transport available to humanity, regressed to a level medieval technology.
On the shoulder there is a small Teto, a genetically mutated squirrel.
On the front is armored shield that protects the face in combat, while we see on the chest the cartridges with the bullets for the rifle:
The two great commands handrails surround the vehicle and hold the leather band on which the rider lies down during the flight:
Nausicaa are hooked on the back of a small backpack and the sleeve of a long dagger, while the sides of the tail Mehve stand the handle of a sword (a left) and the butt of a rifle (right):
plastic model of about 12cm in height, including stand.
The reference source for the coloring is the same feature, along with covers of the manga, however, printed in beautiful sepia.
order to avoid excessive flattening of the white sull'aliante, I created a texture irregular overlapping layers of color with a wide brush, the base was not completely dry.
I avoided the black scours appear to maintain a more "cartoony".
you soon!

Best 5.1 Receiver With Hdmi Upconversion

productive success (Pz.Kpfw. IV)

Developed in 1934 as a means to support the infantry, armored Panzer IV was the only one to be produced throughout the Second World War, for a total of 8000 pieces:
With a weight of 25 tons and 5 man crew, was capable of a maximum speed of 40 km / h.
The gun-howitzer was fitted with 75mm low initial speed, so it was suitable for the role against tank, which was to be covered by the Panzer III.
The model F1, reproduced here, was the last to adopt this type of armament, which was replaced by a long-barreled 75mm gun, more suitable for fighting with other armor. We note the absence of
Rommelkiste , the metal box located behind the tower, which contained personal effects crew:
In top view you can see the two doors on either side of the armored cannon close the loopholes to fire small arms inside the boat and the aerator outlet for the expulsion of smoke shot on the roof of the tower:
The vehicle is painted in blue-d 'order by all means Germans from 1938 to 1942, with the cross national obscured in the central part, in so as to leave visible only the corners.
This system was adopted based on experience in the Polish campaign, when the white cross proved a very useful reference point for enemy gunners.

Plastic model scale of 1:35 Italeri.
The appearance of the paint peeling is obtained with a few coats of metallic color to dry brush, and to reproduce the dust at the bottom of the medium are used to wash in a rich shade of ocher. Important
give the right curvature to the tracks, assembled mesh to mesh.
The muffler, peeling and oxidized by heat, has a base in matt black with several coats of reddish brown dry brush, the carbon black on the muzzle of the gun is made of matte black with a dry brush.
On the whole model is to be spread a wash of color smoke.
you soon!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pokemon Blue Desmume Rom

GOOD NEWS FOR ITALY AND Moray. The lobby of God

; Bossi and Berlusconi.
's finally official, after IdV and the Democratic Party, including FLI, UDC, MPA API and the Chamber of Deputies have submitted a motion of censure against the government Berlusconi-Bossi or if you prefer, PDL-League.

AND 'REALLY GOOD NEWS , especially the Italian and the Italians have had enough of a government that over the last two years (but did not fare much better in the previous 5) has dealt almost exclusively facts (judicial or otherwise private ) Berlusconi and when he was involved in something concrete words produced, words, words, just words. In the words has dug a gulf between himself and the country , as deep as the "Strait of Messina", but "Bridge".
has produced a flood of rumors "harmful as the flood in Veneto, Piana del Sele and L'Aquila.
has undermined the foundations of the 'unity of the country , "marrying for interest" to the insubstantial draft Federalism League mark, the son of a selfish concept of togetherness, of being State.
He betrayed, and in fact deleted (in agreement with the League) , Self Local Authorities with funding cuts, which have crippled the ability to offer citizens, especially the most vulnerable social groups, even essential services.
He put heavy mortgage on the future of this country , cutting its elements of hope, such as school, university, research, culture and supporting recovery plans military spending, which in 10 / 15 years will cost no less than 15 billion euros for participation in the project and the purchase of 130 F-35 bombers !
He indulged and supported the plans of unscrupulous private entrepreneurship, which is subtracting substantial energy and capital to the country through private health model CL-Formigoni .
has given space to the lobby of those who use public office for private business, school, health, public service companies or subsidiaries.
He let the whole of Italy was mired , tolerating or defending indefensible conduct of the Premier, before the moral (a private matter for Berlusconi man) on the political and institutional framework, and this is a fact that, affecting Premier Berlusconi, affects all of us, the whole country. has jeopardized the ability recovery of our economy, with an absence of design and an irresponsible optimism facade, good for courtiers without dignity and unscrupulous businessmen, but that has enchanted the most vital forces in the country, from the Confederation of trade unions, economic observers .
has endangered the hope of an Italy united forward-looking, able to invest in new generation, eager to grow, systematically demonizing the main gesture of solidarity that every citizen is called to do that is to pay taxes , our "Italy-share condominium."

From December 14, if the policy is not in store for us another of his usual unpleasant surprises, we can begin to look ahead with more confidence!

... EVEN FOR Moray.
no-confidence vote is good news for Moray, Moray too much because the government Berlusconi-Bossi has made the same damage done to the rest of the country. And made them directly, not enough, it has made indirectly through the local representatives of the League and PDL-CL in the name of the alliance between Berlusconi and Bossi, in the name of their false promises, they have managed in recent years our country .
also their failure, such as Berlusconi and Bossi, is under all eyes , enough to make its streets in Moray that the policy was that of appearance rather than "doing" : the streets of the city boasted a more white markings of the snow, made even more evident from a real forest of poles "lifesaver" to delimit embedded in asphalt pavements fake, while just walk the streets of villages or those of penetration in the courts, to stumble at every step nell'incuria: dangerous holes, made deeper frost semidivelti and manholes, ready to capture foot unwise. And then School: on the one hand the race for positions in Board, on the other insufficient funds to cover the need to support teachers! In either case, we feel like saying: "Thank God that the parents are" , but "Silvio! Why only thanks to them these problems have been dammed, if not resolved completely. Of course, someone will say, " administrators do what they can, given the paucity of funds left to them by financial Berlusconi-Bossi-Tremonti"! But they were not the ones who carry on PDL League and the bulk of the votes in the country. And it was not just them to benefit in the local elections of 2009, the ephemeral moment of success thanks to Berlusconi lived "media sets" manufactured garbage in Naples and the earthquake in L'Aquila?
wonder then that this does not make too many voters come to your senses or PDL leaguers who voted for those parties believe that was the right way to Italy and Moray to ensure a future of development, employment, social security, peace and but today they are forced to lick their wounds, and embarrassed ( hope for them!) to list as political events or the seats lost in Moray Okkupati (see comments in the margins, taken site by each of their parties.

And now a response to Cyrus ...
Cyrus is an anonymous visitor of " " site where, commenting on the known events of interest to our Kindergarten , wrote:
"Friends of the PD, wake up!!
While you snooze and "post processed" occupy and destroy the other.
What are you waiting to take strong action at home on this story? What are you waiting to do battle in the Council Hall, perhaps by leveraging many, honest representatives of the majority, do not send down what is happening. "

With Ciro, Ciro with the many who hides behind the veil of 'anonymity and that - though disappointed by the policy- look at PD carefully, perhaps with anger, the frustration of those who see their own future and that of the children affected, not want to argue, do not believe it is useful to do so . We like to instead confront, discuss and perhaps find paths that can see us together for a sound policy, hardworking, selfless, closer to its citizens. For this reason we chose to respond to "Ciro" imagining a dialogue, while as good Neapolitan or so, sipping a steaming cup of coffee.

CIRO : "Friends of the Democratic Party wake up !!!!"
BLOG: The PD is . He recently renovated the Executive Club Gazzada-Moray ( Alberto Costa, and Giovanni De Rosa Ida Delpero of Moray, Orlando Rinaldi, Manuela & Claudio Furiani Tosetto of Gazzada ). Orlando Rinaldi has been appointed Secretary, and John de Rosa Circle in the Assembly will be the provincial party. The PD is in the area (eg with leaflets carpet, freshly made, in keeping with the campaign "Porta a Porta" launched by the Secretary Bersani). There is, and for some weeks, even with his own blog ( We're awake, but we can not be omnipresent. We need everyone who believes that the goal of a better Italy and wants to be the protagonist of this rebirth, takes the field with us, or at least get out from anonymity and apathy .
CIRO : "While you snooze and" post processed "occupy and destroy the other."
BLOG: We do not know what do you do while we "Prepare the blog," but we hope that you do something more useful, more practical (and, perhaps, we shall talk, if you like). Maintaining a blog is not the only way to be there, not even the most important, but is one way to animate a minimum of opposition also cultural, as well as political (even with the limitations imposed by objective means and low capacity), the spread of Berlusconi and Lega and negative values \u200b\u200bthey represent. Other "deal"? If you're referring to the kindergarten, you're right, but we have the presumption to hope that with this blog (of Catholic inspiration, peace and with a clear political option in centrosinista) have contributed at least a bit 'to support the sacred struggle waged by the "parents" work without forcing, without manipulation, without prevarication.
CIRO " What are you waiting to make strong action at home on this story?
BLOG: The strong actions, if they will not just be frivolous must be based on strong structures: Help you grow with your membership and your skills, with your enthusiasm and you will see, we can do better and more, as of tomorrow!
CIRO "What are you waiting to do battle in the City Council, perhaps by leveraging many, honest representatives of the majority, do not send down what is happening."
BLOG: Unfortunately we are not represented in the City Council but, as the votes obtained by candidates in our list of "Living Moray" have helped to give this minority group of three advisers, we have the confidence to succeed, one day, to agree with them or at least converging joint initiatives. We believe, but it must also agree that our stakeholders.

Our conversation Ciro virtual end there. The real one that we hope will be started right from this blog, we hope that continues, meanwhile invite Cyrus, Cyrus and all of you who like watching us from afar, with a little 'distrust, to come closer. policy not sucks ( politicians ... sometimes yes ) if we represent and we live with the words and spirit of Don Milani: "I learned that the problem of others is the same as mine. Sorting policy is set, sorting alone is greed. "

two of the many comments appeared on, about the Nursery Moray.
P er read the full article, click HERE .

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Write An Offer On A Property Sample

tools of the trade

words: an overview of tools useful for modellers.
start with the files: great for cleaning up the pieces from the molding defects, there are several sections, although the most popular are the mouse's tail (second from right) and the square (fourth from right).
Below are the clippers to cut corner (yellow) and cut straight (blue, middle): never remove the part from the mold with your bare hands! The tweezers shown
are the type to be an electrician, with a flat head (blue, right), round (top left) and curve (top right):
step further, we have a set of tweezers for manipulation of smaller pieces (useful-release, left), a cutter (cutter) and various types of glue, personally, I use the general assembly for the Attak, attaccatutto in the tube for large areas and the "Extreme Repair" (Pattex, small tube in yellow and black) to most difficult assemblies. By chance, I discovered that the parts in white metal stick more easily if you put on the Attak and Repair Extreme on the other!
not a substitute for the tweezers to spring to tighten the pieces during the gluing or catch the smaller ones during staining. Note the guy at the top left, which has a block to adjust the hours:
Wanting to make changes on the pieces, it might be useful to have a soldering iron (or a pyrography) with interchangeable tips of various shapes . In this case, the support also includes two support arms that open with tweezers.
I use it primarily to make the Zimmerit on tanks, but has also proven itself to bend plastic parts or simulate bruises.
Finally, a minitrapano variable speed with a wide construction of drilling and milling can solve any need arise.
Notice how the gear is brand totally unknown to the general public is also more economical and reliable than the brand, is also fully compatible with all the tips and accessories parts.
As for paints and brushes, I suggest you attend the fine arts areas of large hardware stores and shopping centers: acrylic paints for sale in these shops have more or less all the same performance (unless you do not seek special effects), the same for brushes, which still tend to wear more quickly on uneven surfaces of the models than on canvas. Remember to buy really cheap to practice the method of dry brush ( drybrush )!
All items listed have been purchased at discount (LIDL) or during the sales in shopping centers: almost all the modeling tools can be effectively replaced with surrogate non-specialist at the price lower.
The list is not complete and could never be, given the different needs and the different individual approaches to problems, but I hope it is still useful.
If you want an example of how to organize the space, I described my work station in the post Sancta Sanctorum: the table model
you soon!

Combat Action Badge Requirements

Sancta Sanctorum: the table model

central point of the hobby on a small scale model is the table:
The table itself is the most important: a place to work and where to leave the model is nearing completion, and no one should have no reason to get your hands!
begin the tour, and, from left to right, are two boxes full of jars of different brands of color, purchased as needed and prices: In all honesty, I found no differences in yield to justify inflated prices, and the same is true for brushes. In
pen up there are files and next we see toothpicks, balsa and glue Various
the center there is another box with the colors most frequently used, with water on the tray with brush holder Built-in (bought from Lidl for a few euro). Large plastic
so on the left are the pedestals of Easter eggs, such as recycled supports raised to paint figures with more comfort, while the shorts in the middle are ex-scoops for the mouthwash, I use to mix the colors (scoops, not mouthwash!).
the scenes with the pad that protects the desk, on which I placed a plastic cutting board IKEA, thin and resistant, which bears the marks of many battles:
On the right we find the heavy equipment.
by the phone are the bench clamp and minitrapano, while on the left we see the soldering iron and above, clippers, tweezers, pliers and gimlets beak, on the wall of the library with two magnetic supports IKEA :
Continuing the tour, we leave the table and find the necessary drawer compartments for small (a few euro by OBI), which stand out above the radio and battery in the spot light.
It also noted a magnifying glass table and some tools of the reserve.
Still further, we see the roll made of a metal table leg (OBI) mounted on the wall.
The string that is next to roast perfectly simulates the rope in the dioramas.
On the left, stucco walls, the abrasive paste (useful for removing residual glue and paint from his hands) and a fraction of the volumes needed to documented:
On the wall behind the desk hangs a further set of drawers (LIDL) to catalog the pieces of surplus:
Finally, we speak of enlightenment.
You can not do without a table lamp with energy saving light bulb strictly cold (solar), in order to have a clear view of the surrender of the colors used.
The same bulb (do not need that brand) is applied to the model set with lamp and magnifying glass, which allows greater precision in the detail of the pieces.
At the center of the table there is a trivial plastic rotating platform (the sub-brands are good as more expensive models), which is indispensable for access to all parts of the bulkier models and allows the study of shadows for subsequent washes and highlights:
As shown was created based on my experience as a model, but it is obvious that there is an absolute standard, I can say without hesitation is to find a quiet, lighted and ventilated, not it has to be also very spacious.
Regarding the equipment (which is discussed in detail in the post Tools of the Trade ), the advice is always to save as much as possible, to have more availability for models and reference texts.
you soon!