Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Chess against bullying: respect for the rules

An article by Maria Giovanna Tarullo on abitarearoma.net http://www.abitarearoma.net/index.php?doc=articolo&id_articolo=16209

Quarticciolo The Library Theatre, last January 29, 2010 opened its doors to the first of a series of events dedicated to the theme of bullying, in connection with the sport of chess, the conference "Chess Against Bullying - Respect for the rules." The event, commissioned by President Robert Mastrantonio VII Hall and sponsored by the Province of Rome, the Italian Chess Federation, CONI and Lazio Lazio Team Special Olympics, founded with the aim of presenting to all those who have to deal with the world of sports guys like chess, can be a viable solution for introducing children to respect the rules. I agree to this as an organizer and moderator, the speaker of the game of chess, Lucio Rosario Ragonese which introduced the characters of numerous experts in the field boys and chess, which contributed to donate their valuable thoughts on the subject, such as: psyche , anthropologists, educators, experts, games, school principals, professors, teachers and journalists. Citing
only some of the speeches of the day, the Vice-President of the Federation Italian Chess Mario Leoncini explained to the audience, given its immense culture in this area, as throughout history the game of chess, has always reflected the various aspects of society. For example, the importance of the role of the woman, also a prominent figure in chess, evolving over the years and taxable in the world championships. As we found with the presence of Carla Mircoli, became Instructor of the Year, who spoke of his work with children in kindergarten, saying the interest of children to the sport, which may be of small samples in full compliance with the rules in spite of some adults. While
Psychotherapist, Massimo Marino through his experience centers for deaf people in prisons and juvenile, showed the power of communication by means of chess. The game often widespread in the media was represented by the journalist and giocologo Ennio Peres, a veteran of the collaboration with the weekly magazine dedicated to entertainment for the mind BrainTrainer, and the director of the famous magazine "Italy Checker" Adolivio Capece.
After a brief pause, in which he was offered a buffet, the afternoon at the Library Theatre Quarticciolo, saw the primary protagonists of Rome. School principals and teachers gave their testimony, confirming the great success of the project. The game of chess has been, in many cases, a stimulus to a new way to play, putting the boy no more passive role in front of a video-game, but active and concentrated in a game of chess. The schools attending the conference were: the School Priamaria GB Basile, Marthin Luther King Middle School, Elementary School E. Dandini Frascati and Primary School G. Gesmundo.
The event was concluded with the performance of Daniela Movileanu, Italian Champion Under 14 Frascati Chess Club, with a simultaneous chess on a chessboard 20. The President of the VII
Mastrantonio Robert Hall, the conference sponsor, said: "I am proud of the progress of this project, which ended with the production of this conference. VII The Hall stands in the forefront of the fight against bullying and in defense of legality. Through a network of sports and cultural associations in the area and with the help of the police we focus on bullying prevention, including through the sport of chess, which was introduced in schools in the City Hall. Hoping to implement new initiatives. "
All work and reports made during the conference will be available at: www.frascatiscacchi.it .


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