Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Turn On Mic On Chatroulette


The campaign
I wanted to write on this subject a few days ago, when Luca from Brussels sent me an email with a link, which you ride: I was furious trope to do it now ... then I came to the rescue Don Renato, sending me the article he had just written for "Mosaic of Peace." Don Renato is a priest of the diocese of Novara and pastor of a cluster of parishes set in the green behind the Lago d'Orta (Cesar and neighboring municipalities) and the Sanctuary of Madonna del Sasso, and member of the National Assembly Pax Christi and the editorial staff of "Mosaic of Peace", a magazine founded by Don Tonino Bello.
October 22 will be at Don Renato Moray, host of the "Circolo ACLI and the facebook group" We think freely, to speak of "Peace, peace, denied not only by war but also injustice , racism, marginalization and selfishness. Don Renato and peace for a long time are now regular guests, a constant reference of this blog and I hope it will become for all its readers, even random: why peace is above all inside of us!
This is my premise, and now ... the word to Don Renato.

Swiss cheese, mice and racism
September 29, 2010 - Renato Sacco

What is this? The issue is well summarized in a few words from friends, fellow journalists a TV based in Verbania, "three mice around a great form of Emmental. At the center stands Fabrizio, tile Verbania busy over alpine, then there is a misunderstanding Romanian attitude, maybe a thief, and then that Giulio lawyer. Clear allusion to the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti. It depicts how the campaign launched online at against those who escapes to Switzerland to work in Ticino. Not only that. The campaign signed by Ferrise Muralto communication links with a thin even foreigners to petty crime. In the focus point: border, crime and import Tremonti. The campaign, needless to say, has created no little confusion on both borders. To alarm on this side of the Alps are mainly the content of the advertisement: 'we have arrived at an altitude of 45,000,' he says, alluding to the number of occupied border in Ticino. ... Engine of the campaign: the need to initiate a 'rodent control'. "
So far the news.
games are now a furore, especially by some politicians and announced parliamentary questions, this campaign denouncing racist and demagogic. If it is true , it is true, that is a racist campaign, you always have the courage to denounce all forms of racism. Or is racism only what is against us? And when we are racist towards others? As we call it?

Just remember, do not do names, who went to clean the seats of trains, who has called for public transportation are only for the Milanese, who said that it is easier to eliminate the rats that the Roma, who done on the internet game 'repel illegal immigrants', who has asked teachers and doctors to report illegal immigrants, who did read (and applied), rejecting at sea or in Libyan prisons those fleeing from countries at war, who has talk of invasion, who did posters says 'bales out', who has accused the Albanians or Romanians of brutal murders and organized torchlight, when it was discovered that those responsible were .. Italian. And the list goes on.

We hope to hear a hostile attitude against us to help everyone understand how they feel when others are racist, quite often, we are. And perhaps combining these attitudes support the defense of the Christian roots.

This story, ugly, Swiss cheese, serve at least at this!

Otherwise the racists of our country, those who say 'foreigners take us off the job and are responsible for all these crimes', those who also sit on support in parliament and even those who is guilty of serious crimes, as we call them: ladies?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Slideshow Program On Mac

hoping not to shoot!

In recent days, just Friday, September 24, an annoying illness prevented me from attend the screening of the film "The Wave" by Dennis Gansel within an interesting and animated film club led by Professor Margaret Giromini, held at the convent of the Capuchin friars of Varese.
Sin: why I would like to take advantage of the reflections of Prof. to relate the experiment of which it is told in the movie (2008) with paramilitary training called "trained to life" that, by decision of the minister Gelmini, are taking off in our public schools.
will be for another time, while on the same subject I offer this wonderful reflection of Pax Christi comuincato contained in the September 26, 2010, released "Mosaic of Peace."

There is no future without peace education

child soldier, from the website
In Schools of Italian school was suffering from cuts and measures are unacceptable, they are starting courses paramilitaries, as valid credits, titled "Train yourself to life." Baffled by the incredible decision of the Ministries of Defence and Education, we want to say that this initiative is highly damaging for purposes unrelated to the school and distorts the content of the project "Citizenship and the Constitution" or to other initiatives such as "Peace is made to school. " Among the topics proposed, the outstanding military culture, guns and shooting, the army vehicles, survival in hostile environments, and even the defense nuclear power (a concept no longer acceptable in the international legal landscape as early as 1963, John XXIII considered absurd, "a ratione alienum" and Italy, among others, have ratified the Treaty on the Non-proliferation for global nuclear disarmament).

We are facing a new danger, and antipedagogica Antiform. Teaching-learning to shoot is not for the school of the Italian Republic, where shines the article 11 of the Constitution and where I acquired cases of nonviolent defense also by civilian peace corps that are not properly organized because the government prefers to invest 20 million euro for the "mini naja" (project "Live Defense ", presented as a means of" culture of peace "). They are so cut off funding to the national civil service and perhaps result in dry roots planted in the years '85, '92, '98, 2001 and 2004 in favor of "civil defense and unarmed non-violent."

who fight against the scourge of child soldiers in countries at war can not accept the birth home of "student warriors." Who wants to tackle the bullying can not expect to do so in a paramilitary. In the current climate, based on the rule of fear, they are likely only to spread the idea of \u200b\u200barmed violence as a normal instrument of conflict resolution (with the belief that war is a natural and necessary for coexistence). Consolidate the idea to kill the enemy. Feed the prejudices and create new ones. Manipulate the emotions. Causing many to be the law itself, to apply the law of the jungle. A school that upheld similar projects do not help young people to use the power of reason rather than the reason of force.

E 'Remember the motto nonviolent: If you want peace prepare for peace.

In rejecting these instances, parents, families, school administrators, teachers and students to develop educational programs by connecting to the peace table (for example, "where one person encounters a people" and "My school Peace ", October 4, 2007 agreement signed between the Ministry of Education and the convent of Assisi), re-launch the program of" civilian peace interventions for the prevention and conflict transformation "(started in 2008 under an agreement between seven associations , the City of Florence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and to resume its original setting of "Citizenship and the Constitution."

In many places, the school is and can still be peace laboratory where you can browse maps of nonviolence, pull faces and experiences, to organize solidarity actions or operational considerations on child soldiers, children denied the dignity of women, the death penalty , forgotten conflicts, landmines, chemical or nuclear disarmament, disease and access to drugs, immigration, international law, common good water, fair trade, sobriety, and new lifestyles.

The task of a serene and serious school is to teach peace as building a beautiful and good life, rich in friendships and relationships, inspired by the fresh energy of nonviolence, open to hope. There can be no future without peace education.

Florence, September 26, 2010 Pax Christi